About us

Who are we

TechnoCode is a consulting, expertise and engineering company in IT, working on issues related to automatic identification, traceability and mobility.

TechnoCode offers you a global offer in terms of data acquisition and computerized management on the bar code identification market. It is your answer for the labeling, codification, printing, traceability of your company's products.

TechnoCode was founded with a mission to provide equipment and services that improve technological and business processes and increase the traceability and visibility of assets, workers and information throughout an organization. TechnoCode's expertise is aimed at players in the distribution, Warehouses, Industry, logistics services, Field operations, Tourism, leisure, events and Public services to all organizations concerned with identifying or tracing their product flows and Personal or to improve its level of quality and productivity.

Technocode is enthusiastic about preserving the economic stakes of its customers. The proposed offer is based on the founding values of the company such as active listening to the needs of our partners, the preservation of the quality of products and services, always offering the right solution, the careful monitoring of projects.

TechnoCode est une société de conseil, d'expertise et d'ingénierie en informatique, intervenant sur les problématiques liées à l'identification automatique, la traçabilité et la mobilité. TechnoCode vous propose une offre globale en matière d'acquisition de données et de gestion informatisée sur le marché de l'identification par code à barres. C'est votre réponse pour l'étiquetage, la codification, l'impression, la traçabilité des produits de votre société.
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